RTLS (Real Time Location)

RTLS stands for Real-Time Location System and refers to any system that can accurately determine the location of a device in real time. It is also referred to as an indoor positioning system (IPS) just like an indoor GPS which is used indoors for tracking, locating, and monitoring the activity of people and duress management, Time in attendance and patient care.  RTLS is also used for Asset tracking and management There are two major types of RTLS systems – Precision-based and Proximity-based RTLS system. 

Precision-based RTLS is implemented through either ultra-wideband or WiFi-based technologies. This allows tracking of assets to an exact location, making it useful for applications like inventory management. The drawback of precision RTLS is that it is very expensive and requires a great deal of infrastructure to drive its accuracy.


Proximity-based RTLS systems are used in solutions that don’t require exact locations. Proximity-based RTLS systems are less expensive and require far less infrastructure.


Healthcare technology is at the forefront of RTLS and using advanced technology to help streamline processes and provide a more comfortable environment for patients and carers alike .

Smart RTLS technology solutions help to automate documentation, staff communications, reporting, digital audit trail, time in attendance with patients and clients and heighten safety; all to enhance the overall patient care experience.

RTLS Technology is used to help hospital staff provide better patient care.

Nurse Call Integration

A Nurse call systems within a health facility or nursing home residential care are a vital necessary component used within these health care facilities.  With the integration of  RTLS with a sophisticated nurse call system, the nurse does not need to worry about manual human handling, or check in check out or even turning off an activated alarm or nurse call duress. The nurse’s BLE tag provides location, and once the nurse has entered the patients room, the location of the nurse can be transmitted from the RTLS to the nurse call system.


The integration of nurse call systems and RTLS has improved the Automated processes hospitals use such as: rounding, fall risk, call cancelation, bed turnover, and more. The patients benefit from getting immediate response, more time with caregivers, and a quieter environment which now creates a 100% digital audit trail.

Documentation Automation

(RTLS) or Real time locating systems through internal staff/patient tracking and asset tracking and management location  is strengthening patient flow in a multiple ways, however the most simplest, is by the automation of previous manual time consuming and sometimes error ridden l documentation  of  all activities and the collection of total operational metrics. BLE badges and Tags can trace real-time movement of staff and tracks the location of patients. The tracking information helps locate patients, caregivers,  all assets, including mobile medical equipment to speed up the process and delivery of patient care or redistribution of these assets. All data collected is used to help eliminate many manual clunky procedures and reduce delays, so caregivers, nurses and doctors can spend more time with their patients enhancing time in attendance with patients and clients. RTLS gives healthcare workers the time and information they need to deal with the many day to day complex patient problems care givers should be spending their time on.


If a patient wearing a BLE watch or band are moved from one department to another for any reason perhaps a xray or medical diagnosis in a different department, RTLS can send predetermined  HL7 Message information to the electronic health record that reflects the date and time the patient was physically moved from the one department to another, the duration spent for their visit in the other department, and the time the patient returned to their room and any other relevant information required. In addition, information is also captured about the staff members, nurse, doctor or caregiver who accompanied the patient during transition and interacted with the patient throughout the procedure.


HL7 Messages are used to transfer electronic data between disparate healthcare systems, each sending information about a particular event such as a patient admission. HL7 messages are in human-readable (ASCII) format, though they may require some effort to interpret.

Patient Safety

Safety is a critical component of overall patient care. When anyone is being treated in hospital or residential care facility, patients want and deserve the right to feel safe and secure. Real time locating systems or RTLS are used in a multitude of ways to ensure and enhance that patients are protected, monitored, and can be utilised  to stop them being contaminated by infectious diseases or entering restricted areas.


Health facilities or residential care organisations and staff now are able to monitor both patient movement, flow and location internally down to a sub metre.  Authorised and associated staff will be notified if a patient has wandered into a restricted area or been in the toilet or bathroom to long. Another essential component of RTLS internal patient monitoring and tracking solutions is the communication of infections or diseases and exposure to assets with full contact tracing reports during a potential outbreak which we have seen of recent of the last few years. RTLS nursing home, residential care and Health care facility intelligent systems help to eliminate contaminated equipment from being reused without being properly sanitized. Innovative hand hygiene technology can also monitor the dispense of soap or hand sanitizer used by staff to ensure their hands have been washed prior to interacting with the patient. With RTLS enhanced safety features, patients are protected and can focus more on their wellness and recovery.


If you have any problems, you are facing now we have already developed the systems to future proof your facility management.


Update and future proof any legacy, disparate systems today and take advantage of optimized performance and ROI

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